On Demand Masterclass Registration Page

How To Stop Your Marriage Breaking Down Before It's Too Late To Fix It...

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(You can choose to watch it now or later)


How To Get Your Wife To Stop Criticising You And Start To Fall In Love With You Again...
Discover The 4 Steps To Save Your Affectionless Marriage & Restore The Intimacy Before The Marriage Breaks Down & It Is Too Late!


And Watch it Now

This is for you if...

  • You feel in control and successful at work but your home life feels out of sync
  • You have noticed that your wife has become distant and the level of affection between you is much lower than it used to be
  • You are starting to think you might be losing your wife as she's become more secretive and avoiding spending time just with you
  • You suspect that your wife is having an affair and feel she is seeking support elsewhere
  • You feel constantly and unfairly criticised by your wife as she only sees the negatives in what you do 
  • You have noticed it's been a while since you had a 'date night' and sex is a distant memory
  • You are starting to feeling anxious about your future and the thought of being on your own
  • You feel your wife is shouting at you more than she ever used to and says "you're not listening to me"
  • Your wife has said the words "I need space" or "I love you but I'm not in love with you" ... and you didn't see it coming

AND you just want to get your relationship back to how it was in the beginning BEFORE it's too late and you hear the words you really don't want to hear:
"I want a divorce..."

You will discover...

  • The 4 essential steps to transform your struggling marriage into a passionate, loving marriage again
  • How to figure out who you really are, what you stand for and what's important to you 
  • How to clarify the stage your relationship is at so you can save your marriage
  • How to connect with your wife again and win her love back
  • What you need to implement in your relationship that really begins to turn it around
  • An effective and reliable way to fix a marriage when it is in crisis
  • How to regain control of your happiness and start enjoying an intimate and passionate marriage again
  • What to do when you hear "I love you but I'm not in love with you"
  • And much more...


Do you feel confident in yourself at work, but your marriage is stale and passionless?  

Are you frustrated by the rejection, criticism and lack of affection from your wife?    

You don’t have to feel powerless.    

There are signs that identify whether your relationship is salvageable or not.    

There are ways you can test to see if the passion is still there.    

There are skills you can learn to create more trust, more respect...  
and, yes, more attraction and affection in your marriage. 

Before it reaches the point where your wife calls it a day, wouldn't you want to know that you've given it your best shot?    

You CAN have everything you want in your life and relationship without having to start fresh.  
No more settling for mediocre.      
You deserve better.    

It’s time to learn things your dad never explained about successful, intimate long-term relationships, because maybe he didn't know these things himself.    

I will explain how to be a courageous, confident leader in your marriage…
without being worried that you might lose your wife

Rediscover yourself and learn the four essential steps to transform a struggling marriage
into a passionate, loving, marriage again in this free masterclass.    

Click the button below to register for the FREE ONLINE RESCUE YOUR MARRIAGE MASTERCLASS.

Working with Simon was transformational

"Simon was instinctively aware of the path laid out before me if I decided to follow it. He balanced curiosity and questioning, with listening and objectiveness.

I felt Simon could feel my frustrations and he connected with my agenda to support me to move from where I was to where I wanted to be, supporting me to a new version of myself capable of designing the life I wanted for me.

I changed from someone who didn't know what he stood for and didn't show calm confidence in his own value; to someone who holds himself to a high standard and also is not afraid to hold other people to being better themselves.

 I’ve grown very deliberate in how I now respond to situations in line with the man I love being and can communicate the masculine gifts I have to offer fully.

I can show up as the calm man I want to be.

Ultimately working with Simon has helped me realise I’m already full of love, happiness, confidence and personal power and I’m able to apply these
changes to life every day and every moment of every day". 

Ross Bethell

 rescue your marriage

This Masterclass is designed to help you to begin to understand where you are right now and
to gain insights into yourself and how you can start to attract your wife back to you.

Imagine a stronger version of yourself who your wife falls back in love with.

   Imagine being able to take the pressure off and allow the relationship to breathe.

Imagine that she is showing interest again and sharing her thoughts with you and 

you start to feel the love coming back into your relationship.


Why join this now?

It isn't too late...
Your marriage can be saved...
You can win her back...
You can get your mojo back...

Each day that goes by  without doing something about it, 

you are getting  closer to the exit door.

Joining the Masterclass is the first step towards saving your marriage.

Click on the button below to register for the Masterclass now to discover 

The Marriage Rescue Remedy, so that you can find out the action you need to take 
BEFORE your marriage completely hits the rocks:


Men's Marriage Rescue Remedy Success Stories

Chris is a successful HR Director for a large corporate company. But there was a problem in his marriage.  His wife wanted to spend more and more time apart.

Using the Men's Marriage Rescue Remedy, Chris could understand the impact he was having on his relationship and his own happiness.

By learning and applying the principles, Chris turned his life and marriage around.


Mark was hiding at work and in the pub to avoid going home.  

Mark's wife had said she wanted space and he had stopped sleeping and his mental health was failing.

By learning the Men's Marriage Rescue Remedy, he realised he didn't want to play small anymore and he was in control of his happiness.

He began to let go of things outside his control and as a result, his wife relaxed and they reconnected.


Nick's wife had asked for a divorce and left the house.

Nick felt like a doormat.  
After speaking to Nick he saw he needed to take pressure off his marriage.

By speaking openly to his wife about what he wanted and that he was working on himself, it turned their marriage around.
Nick and his wife became emotionally and physically connected again.



Hey, I am Simon Wisdom and I delighted to introduce you to Nobul Men.

Throughout life I have been on a constant journey of growth, and I measure my success today by how I have overcome the many challenges by remaining open, vulnerable, and curious about how I show up and connect with myself and others.

Most importantly it is also how I show up for me and my wants and needs, which is not about being selfish but is about ensuring my cup is constantly filled up to radiate energy into everything and everybody around me.

My growth and learning journey to date has come from the experience and successes as a business owner, business coach, mentor, business leader of large companies and in recent years master coach to men.

What makes me qualified to help you is that my story is fairly unique in that once I realised that I was part of the problem in my impending divorce, I didn’t only look for help, it became my calling.

I now dedicate myself to the men that want to understand where masculinity fits into living an amazing,
authentic life full of love and passion.

"Once you implement the Men's Marriage Rescue Remedy, you will never struggle with a relationship in crisis again"



Do you feel confident in yourself at work, but your marriage is stale and passionless?

Are you afraid of separation or divorce or frustrated by the rejection, criticism and lack of affection from your wife?

You don’t have to feel powerless.

There are signs that identify whether your relationship is salvageable or not.

There are ways you can test to see if the passion is still there.

There are skills you can learn to create more trust, more respect... and, yes, more attraction and affection in your marriage.

Before you call it a day (or she does) wouldn't you want to know that you've given it your best shot?

You CAN have everything you want in your life and relationship without having to start fresh.

No more settling for mediocre.

You deserve better.

It’s time to learn things your dad never explained about successful, intimate long-term relationships.

We will teach you how to be a courageous, confident leader in your marriage…without being a controlling, arrogant, narcissist.

Rediscover your authentic masculine strength, and learn the four essential steps to transform a struggling marriage into a passionate, loving, marriage again in this free training.

Click the button below to register for the FREE Relationship Rescue Virtual Training.