What are the reasons why women lose attraction in marriage? Find out why this happens, how many men are unaware and what you can do...
Every relationship and individual is unique, and there are many different reasons why a woman may lose attraction in a long-term relationship or a marriage. However, some common factors that may contribute to this situation developing include lack of emotional intimacy, lack of confident communication, and lack of effort in maintaining the relationship.
Emotional intimacy is the sense of connection and understanding that couples feel towards each other. When this is missing, your wife may feel unimportant, unsupported, and unloved which leads to feeling lonely, isolated and disconnected, which negatively impacts her feeling attraction to you.
Effective communication is vital for any relationship, without it, you may struggle to understand each other's needs and desires, leading to misunderstandings, frustration, and resentment building, slowly eroding the attraction between you.
When you are not able to effectively communicate with each other, you may feel like you are living with a stranger rather than a partner or someone who is on your team.
It's easy to become complacent and stop putting effort in to keep your relationship strong, connected and passionate. This can include things like neglecting date nights, not making time for each other, and not showing affection.
If you don't make an effort to maintain your relationship, it often feels like you don't care whether she is around or not, it feels like you are taking her for granted, which also negatively impacts attraction.
Women often feel pressure to prioritize their partner's needs and desires over their own, which can lead to feelings of resentment building over time until they explode out as an exclamation of needing space, wanting to separate, not feeling in love with you anymore or even mentioning divorce.
Additionally, gender roles play a part in the dynamics of your relationship, it's common that your wife may feel that you expect her to take on the traditional role of nurturer and caretaker and that you are expected to provide financially. But these societal and cultural expectations can create imbalance and dissatisfaction in the relationship, which also leads to loss of attraction.
Below are some ways to make your wife feel attraction to you again
It's true that there may be other factors impacting the attraction and connection in your relationship, such as external stressors, internal mental / emotional health issues, physical health issues, external influences such as an emotional connection with another person...if any of these are true then they need to be addressed calmly, directly and lovingly without judgement or fear and with a focus on getting to the truth to be able to move forward.
Also, it's important to understand that attraction is a complex feeling, and it may not be possible to fully recreate it as it was before, but through effort and understanding, you can create a deeper and more meaningful connection.
I have coached many men to turn around marriages from sexless or involving infidelity, to more connected, loving, passionate and exciting sexually than they have previously ever been (even when compared to the beginning in the honeymoon period).
In conclusion, there is no single reason why your wife may have lost attraction to you in your marriage, but there are a number of individual factors that can combine to create a loss of attraction.
A lack of emotional intimacy, lack of confident leadership and communication, and lack of effort in maintaining the relationship are 3 of the most important factors in the loss of attraction.
Yes, societal and cultural factors also play a role, but making an effort to lead the improvement of emotional intimacy, showing confident and effective communication, and making time for connection to happen are key elements of maintaining the attraction in your relationship.
Categories: : attraction, confidence, desire, divorce, marriage, passion, polarity