Simon Wisdom


Hey, I am Simon from Northamptonshire and ever since my wife said those dreaded words "I love you but I am not in love with you" in 2018, my journey has taken me from initially spiralling and unable to know what to do, to today as a calm, passionate leader of my life and as an expert of high performing relationships, most importantly the one with ourselves.

My life has been a remarkable journey of continuous growth, driven by a relentless quest to understand and improve how I connect with myself and others.

Today, I find joy in expressing my needs and desires clearly, and I'm passionate about helping other men achieve the same clarity and fulfillment in their lives.  In 2018, despite appearing successful as a married father of three, I realised I was missing out on crucial aspects of life. The symbols of success — big houses, luxury cars, and financial wealth — felt empty and even detrimental, eventually costing me my marriage and precious time with my children.

This awakening led me to redefine what true success means to me: a harmonious balance of professional achievement, personal well-being, and deep, meaningful relationships.  I bring a unique perspective to the table, having navigated and still to this day navigate the high-pressure world of business without sacrificing my values or the quality of my personal life and still there is time to help.

Today, I'm committed to sharing my insights and experiences to guide men who are eager to improve their relationships and lead authentically rewarding lives.  

Together with my colleague Dan, we offer our knowledge, skills, and time to fast-track your journey towards a life filled with joy, humour, leadership, profound and deep love, and much more.  

I look forward to the opportunity to support you in your pursuit of an extraordinary life filled with love, passion, and fulfillment.  

Warm regards,  Simon  

Dan Dore Coach NOBUL Man

Dan Dore


Hi, I’m Dan from Derbyshire in the UK. Ever since becoming a father I’ve been on a path of learning and development to improve how I lead by example in my relationships with my wife and children, in my career and in each individual area of my life.

There have been many difficult moments and decisions along the way which led me to training to be a men's coach 8 years ago. It was the best decision I have ever made – no question.

I’m a men’s coach first and foremost because I care, and I know I can help you get a better understanding of what you’re struggling with and help you move into a more exciting and fulfilling future.

I’ve been through many of the same challenges you have, from growing up as a man in today’s society, to learning how to keep the connection and passion in a marriage (now over 26 years) and also as a father of two young men and one young woman.

I place the health and wellbeing of each man I coach as my number one priority and intention.

What that means is that I promise to serve each of you more powerfully than any other person in your life is able to.

I’m not here to be your friend, I’m here to challenge you to move away from the comfort and fear that you’ve found yourself trapped by, and to step into BEING the man that you LOVE to be...Passionate, Confident, Trustable, Driven and Sexy af.

I’m on your side but that also means that I’m not afraid to tell you what you need to face up to if you want to make fast improvements to your life and relationships.

I’m not afraid to say that I have an amazingly fulfilling job. I love being challenged to reconnect a man with his innate self-worth and bring out his true character and confidence.

It’s amazing how often I hear men say “I knew this relaxed, self-confident, funny, loving, generous and powerful man was inside me all this time, but I just lost trust in being myself and thought putting everyone else’s needs first would make them happy.”

What happens once a man is truly BEING the man he loves to be?

He laughs…A LOT
He gives and receives affection…A LOT
He is honest…ALWAYS
And he takes responsibility to CREATE relationships that reciprocate his values for a passionate and fulfilling life.

Ask me how I know…